'Version 1.2
'Created by: Corey Sines
'Date: 2/19/2014
'Description: Archives all GroupWise Mail Messages to the desired Archive Folder, using the GroupWise
' Object API
'------------Begin Section to Changing to 32bit wscript/cscript if launched on 64bit windows---------------
dim oSH,oFS,strOldWSH
Set oSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (InStr(WScript.FullName, "cscript")) Then
strOldWSH = oSH.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\cscript.exe")
strOldWSH = oSH.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SYSTEMROOT%\SysWOW64\wscript.exe")
End If
If oFS.FileExists(strOldWSH) Then
If Not UCase(WScript.FullName) = UCase(strOldWSH) Then
oSH.Run """" & strOldWSH & """ """ & WScript.ScriptFullName & """", 1, False
End If
End If
' ------------------------------------------------End Section----------------------------------------------
'------------- Begin Section to Check Arguments and set Variables, or Return Proper Usage------------------
dim Args, sGWArchivePath, sGWUserName, sGWPassword
If wscript.arguments.count = 3 then ' needs all 3 arguments
Set Args = Wscript.Arguments
Wscript.echo "Usage: GWMailArchive.vbs PathtoArchive GWUsername GWPassword"
End If
' Setting variables to Arguments supplied
sGWArchivePath = Args(0)
sGWUserName = Args(1)
sGWPassword = Args(2)
' ------------------------------------------------End Section----------------------------------------------
'Script starts here...
On Error resume next
dim wshShell, wshSystemEnv, fso
dim GWApp, GWAccount, oMsg
dim iTotalMsgCount, iCount, iPercentComplete
dim objExplorer
Set wshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set wshSystemEnv = wshShell.Environment( "USER" )
Set GWApp = CreateObject("NovellGroupWareSession") ' instantiating the COM Object for "GW Object API"
Set GWAccount = GWApp.Login(sGWUserName,SGWPassword) ' Creating and logging into a GroupWise Session
Set fso = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'wscript.echo "GroupWise Archive Path: " & GWAccount.PathToArchive & " : GroupWise FID for User: " & GWAccount.AccountProperty(9) & vbCrLf
If (IsNull(GWAccount.PathToArchive)) Then ' Checking if no Archive Location was set
wscript.echo "No Archive Path was set for the user account:" & sGWUserName & ", likely the user never has had an Archive..."
wshSystemEnv( "TEMPDCP" ) = "NO GROUPWISE ARCHIVE FOUND" 'setting environment variable
'Backing up the Old GroupWise Archive Value to an USER Environment Variable "TempVBSValue"
Wscript.echo "GroupWise Archive Path was set to: " & GWAccount.PathToArchive
wshSystemEnv( "TEMPDCP" ) = GWAccount.PathToArchive
End If
If (InStr(GWAccount.PathToArchive, "C:\")) and NOT(InStr(GWAccount.PathToArchive, "C:\TEMP\ARCHIVER")) Then ' checking if the previous Archive Location was on C:\{Path}
msgbox "The Previous GroupWise Archive Path was:" & chr(34) & GWAccount.PathToArchive & chr(34) & _
" which appears to be on the local Workstation. You will need to Archive the Workstation to get any previous GroupWise archive files if there. "
End If
wscript.echo "Setting GroupWise ArchivePath to desired location Path: " & sGWArchivePath
iTotalMsgCount = 0 ' variable to hold Total number of messsages to be archived
wscript.echo "Counting Mail Messages to be Archived, this might take a minute..."
'Counting the number of messages to be archived, [.]Allmessages property doesn't support the Count Property
For each oMsg in GWAccount.AllMessages
'wscript.echo oMsg.ClassName
If (InStr(oMsg.ClassName,"GW.MESSAGE.MAIL")) And (oMsg.Deleted <> True) Then
iTotalMsgCount = iTotalMsgCount + 1
End If
wscript.echo "Total Mail Count (Not Deleted, or Archived) is:" & iTotalMsgCount
iCount = 0
If Not(iTotalMsgCount = 0) Then ' There are actually some messages to Archive
'------------Begin section to create HTML progress window for Archive % completed----------------------
iPercentComplete = 0
Set objExplorer = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") 'instancing COM object to launch IE
'setting up IE properties
objExplorer.Navigate "about:blank"
objExplorer.ToolBar = 0
objExplorer.StatusBar = 0
objExplorer.Left = 150
objExplorer.Top = 200
objExplorer.Width = 355
objExplorer.Height = 150
objExplorer.Visible = 1
objExplorer.Document.Body.Style.Cursor = "wait"
objExplorer.Document.Title = "GroupWise Email Archive progress"
objExplorer.Document.Body.InnerHTML = "Archive progress: <a id='txtProgress'>0</a> % complete" _
& "<br/><div style='background-color:blue;width:5px;height:10px;' id='progbar'></div>"
' ------------------------------------------------End Section----------------------------------------------
'-Begin Section to Iterate through each Mail message that isn't Deleted or already Archived and Archive it-
For each oMsg in GWAccount.AllMessages ' checking each message in allmessages collection
'Updating the IE Progress Bar
' Checking if the object is 'Mail', not deleted (trash)
If (InStr(oMsg.ClassName,"GW.MESSAGE.MAIL")) And (oMsg.Deleted <> True) Then
wscript.echo "Message Subject: " & oMsg.Subject
wscript.echo "Message Type: " & oMsg.ClassName
wscript.echo "Message ID: " & oMsg.MessageID
If oMsg.Archived = False Then ' Not already Archived
wscript.echo "Archiving Message..."
oMsg.Archived = True ' Sending the Message to the Archive
End If
'wscript.echo "Is the messaged archived?:" & oMsg.Archived
'wscript.echo "Is the messaged deleted?:" & oMsg.Deleted
iCount = iCount + 1 ' Counting how many done so far
iPercentComplete = Round((iCount * 100) / iTotalMsgCount) ' updating %
End If
If iCount = iTotalMsgCount Then Exit For 'Needed, without this, Wscript throws an error for some reason
' ------------------------------------------------End Section----------------------------------------------
wscript.echo "There are no GroupWise Messages to archive for user:" & sGWUserName
Dim gwFolders
Set gWFolders = GWAccount.AllFolders
For each Folder in gwFolders
Wscript.quit(80) 'Exit Code 80 means, no messages available to Archive
End If
' Cleaning up resources and exiting script
objExplorer.Quit ' closing IE
set fso = Nothing
set wshSystemEnv = Nothing
set wshShell = Nothing
set objExplorer = Nothing
set GwApp = Nothing
set GWAccount = Nothing
WScript.Sleep 1000
wscript.quit(0) ' Exiting with no Error Code, all was successful
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