Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Finding the GroupWise Archive Location on each company workstation

I needed to find the GroupWise Archive Location, for my company, in the end we want to migration anyone that still has their archive on a local drive to a network drive.  So the first step is identifying where their archive currently is. This setting isn't to be found anywhere on on the local PC,  But you can see the setting in the GroupWise Client Settings.  So I came up with this VB script that can locate it and copies it to the Windows Clipboard, and then display's it back to you.   For this example it simply "echo"'s the results back, but you can use it for whatever action you want to take from there.

I Tested this on Groupwise 8 client we have here.  You may have to adjust some sendkey actions depending on your version if it isn't found in the identical location under client properties. If you know of a better way to evaluate this, on a per client basis, leave a reply!


'Written by Corey Sines

'Version 1.0

'Purpose: Open's the GroupWise Client settings and reads the contents of the

' Archive Location into the Windows Clipboard.

' This setting is stored in the user.db file / GroupWise Sytem and I found

' no other way to retrieve this setting, on a per client basis, other

' than through the GroupWise Client options GUI.


'On Error Resume Next

Dim objShell, objHTML, ClipboardText

Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

' Terminates the process gwsync.exe if active, causes issues running groupwise client repeatedly

Const strComputer = "."

Dim objWMIService, colProcessList

Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")

Set colProcessList = objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Process WHERE Name = 'gwsync.exe'")

For Each objProcess in colProcessList



' Launches the groupwise client, does nothing if already launched.

objShell.Run "C:\Novell\GroupWise\grpwise.exe", 3, false

If Err.Number Then

Wscript.Echo "Unable Lauch GroupWise! Script Aborting!"


End If

Call RunAppLoop("Novell GroupWise - Mailbox") 'calls loop to bring the Groupwise client to Forground to sendkeys

' Sendkeys with sleep commands to allow for system delays

Wscript.Sleep 100

objShell.SendKeys "%T"

Wscript.Sleep 100

objShell.SendKeys "O"

Wscript.Sleep 100

objShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"

Wscript.Sleep 100

objShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

objShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

objShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

objShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

objShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

objShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

objShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

objShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

objShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

objShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

objShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

objShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

objShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

objShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

Wscript.Sleep 100

objShell.SendKeys "{RIGHT}"

objShell.SendKeys "{RIGHT}"

Wscript.Sleep 100

objShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"

objShell.SendKeys "^C"

Wscript.Sleep 100

objShell.SendKeys "{ENTER}"

objShell.SendKeys "%C"

'Accessing data copied to the clipboard in the above action

Set objHTML = CreateObject("htmlfile")

ClipboardText = objHTML.ParentWindow.ClipboardData.GetData("text")

wscript.echo "GW Archive Location is set to: " & ClipboardText 'should display Archive location information

Set objShell = nothing

Set objHTML = nothing



Sub RunAppLoop(APPNAME) ' brings the desired application to the Forfront, loops till successful or timesout after 30 sec

Dim Success

Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

x = 1

Do Until Success = True or x = 300


Success = objShell.AppActivate(APPNAME)

'Wscript.echo Success

'Wscript.echo "x = " & x

Wscript.Sleep 100

x = x + 1


if x = 300 then ' Sleep 100ms x 300 tries in the loop = 30 seconds

Wscript.echo "The Operation Timed out, unable to locate a running application named: " & APPNAME


End if

End Sub


  1. I found a better way using GW Object API

    '------------- Begin Section to Check Arguments and set Variables, or Return Proper Usage------------------
    dim Args, sGWArchivePath, sGWUserName, sGWPassword
    If wscript.arguments.count = 3 then ' needs all 3 arguments
    Set Args = Wscript.Arguments
    Wscript.echo "Usage: GWMailArchive.vbs PathtoArchive GWUsername GWPassword"
    End If

    ' Setting variables to Arguments supplied
    sGWArchivePath = Args(0)
    sGWUserName = Args(1)
    sGWPassword = Args(2)
    ' ------------------------------------------------End Section----------------------------------------------
    'Script starts here...
    On Error resume next

    dim GWApp, GWAccount

    Set GWApp = CreateObject("NovellGroupWareSession") ' instantiating the COM Object for "GW Object API"
    Set GWAccount = GWApp.Login(sGWUserName,SGWPassword) ' Creating and logging into a GroupWise Session

    wscript.echo "GroupWise Archive Path: " & GWAccount.PathToArchive & " : GroupWise FID for User: " & GWAccount.AccountProperty(9) & vbCrLf

    set GWApp = nothing
    set GWAccount = nothing

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